martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Diferences between the Finland and our Educational System

 This week we watched a video of the Finland Educational System. We found many diferences between them, here there are a table with the main diferences. 
We have found the video quite interesting  and useful, if you want to wach it, here you have the links: 




             FINLAND                           SPAIN
Children begin to read and write with 7 years.
From pre-primary children are overwhelmed with reading and writing.
Transport, text books and school supplies free.
You have to pay for all of this.
Break after each class 45” class /15” break.
Just one break of 30”.
Non compulsory schooling until 7 years.
 Compulsory schooling at 6 years.
Less than 1% of private schools (27)
48.6% of private schools.
All education is free.
You have to pay in private and concertado schools.
Same educative system since seventies.
Last change was in 2006 with LOE (Ley Órgánica de Educación)
School failure is less than 1%.
School failure about 28% (3/10)
5 years of teaching career.
4 years of teaching career.
Students teacher receive 400/500€ per month.
Students just receive some help.
Kindergartens depend on the government.
Kindergartens are private.
Practice as a fundamental part of the formation.
Practices are less important and the times are not long enough.
Proper functioning of the support classes, there is almost repeaters.
Fewer hours of practice, low specialized attention to students.
Woman, facilities to work and care their children (until 3 years old).
Women have only 16 uninterrupted weeks to care the baby.
6/100€ of PIB is going to education.
4, 68% of PIB is going to education.
Education is more democratic.
There are still inequalities in education, not everybody can access in it.
Entrance examination to university is stricter. It as difficult to access as a medicine degree.
The marks to access to the educational degree are low.
There is diversity of subjects.
Eg/ carpentry or hostelery.
Here, this alternatives subjects are not compulsory.   
Great tradition of reading. They have the high number of books by person in the world.
Less cultural tradicion.

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