jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Stop Motion

Hi everyone! 
I´m Mªangeles,  the start of this week and i´m going to talk you about our Stop Motion!
Our Stop Motion is about a couple of Tuojiangosaurus who are enjoying a fantastic sunny day strolling though the woods. Carefree walk talking about their lives and about the plants had tasted that morning. Suddenly they found a Paquicefalosaurus wounded on the ground. They ran to save him and thought about calling an ambulance. 
In just two minutes the ambulance arrived and took the beloved Paquicefalosaurus and doctors said he was going to be fine.
When the ambulance left, the Tojiangosaurus couple continued their walk. Hours later, the Paquicefalosaurus was behind them to thank for saving him. Apparently he had been attacked by a Tyrannosaurus Rex but had fortunately escaped.
Finally the three dinosaurs went for a walk and became food friends.
Tehy were happy, but did not eat partriges, because our dead friends were berbivorous dinosaurs :)
                                                                   THE END :D

We are not experts in photography, and needed a tripod because the camera was moving, but we have been too bad, I leave here, I hope you like it!


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