lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

The Spanish Educational System Overview: The Game.

Hi everybody, I am Marta, the journalist of this week.
and of course, here are the questions of all the groups that we have.

- Which governing body is in charge of the approval of educational textbooks?
- María is working in a public school. Who establishes the guidelines of the pedagogical and educational matters in María's school?
- How often do teachers have to use ICT tools in the classroom activities?
- Who develop the curriculum established by de Autonomous Community?
- Who is the body in charge of planning, coordinating and adopting all decisions regarding pedagogical and educational matters?
- Who sets the methodoligical principles which must guide the teaching practice.
- Which of this three sentences is not reflected in the LOE as an important pedagogical aspect in primary teaching?
     a) Using group activities .
     b) Reading newspaper.
     c) Attention to diversity.
- The main goal of the teacher will be propitiate the personal development but also the adquisition of _________ and __________ skills
- What must bu the charasteristic of a book to be used in schools?
- What is the role of the Publishing Companies on the schools materials?
- Who is responsible of supplying the ICT infraestructure in the schools?
- In which aspects should the Teaching-learning processes established by the Ley Orgánica de Educación de 2006 pay attenion?
- Named the six compulsory areas of knowledge.
- What principles have to has the Teaching-learning process?
- Definition of basic competences.
- Which of the following statements are true and which false, and correct the errors in the false one.
     a) Teaching methods must pay attention to diversity 
     b) Development of skills such as a reading, comprehension speaking and writing are not considered       important.
     c) A mediating role for teachers in teaching-learning activities is considered indifferent.
     d) It is good idea to use ICT as an everyday tool in the classroom.
- Do schools have the right to choose their textbooks and other materials?
- Is it incorrect for a teacher to use the new technologies in class instead of the textbooks?

There is a little prove of our work.

Marta :)

The Spanish Educational System Overview: The game.

During this week, we are working with our educational system, and, as future prymary school teachers is important to us to know it as better as possible, so, in order to do this learning easy and interesting, we have to build and play a sort Oca's Game mixed with Trivial.
Last day we were creating the different questions;  we have 8 topics, so we created 3 diferent question for each question and today, during our class we have decided, seeing the work of our mates, which questions were better now, with the choice, we are prepareted to the next class and to the grat session of our Game.
So, wish us good luck!!

The Facilitator : María :)

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012


Hello! I´m Irene, the journalist of this week.  There are the questions of the week:
  •         What was the best part of the activity?  Definitely the best part was when we were looking for information on the subject. In Twitter we found in various sources of teachers and education professionals involved in giving their opinion on textbooks. We get a general impression of whether they were good or no textbooks for children. This research exercise helped us open our minds to a different form of education totally opposed to the traditional but no less effective.
  •          What was the worse? I think that the worst part was realizing the economic relationship between the companies that want to get benefits and what really matters as education of children. We discovered that each child spend of year around € 300 in school supplies since the "right" is to follow the guidelines of a book. The society is blind to follow suit without realizing that there are other educational resources effectives less costly and more.
  •          What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? The best moment was when everyone got together the views and information that we sought in the different sources. We shared and discussed what each were thinking through this issue that will be an important issue when we start our teaching because each teacher is master of the way we disseminate the class.
  •          What have you learn? We have learned that we need not to be a sheep in a herd; we see education as something different from the traditional. There are several ways to educate and we must seek the most effective to be education and learning for children to know not just cramming as in most cases. We are fully prepared to make a sort of alternative way, entertaining and fun.
  • ·         What do you need to conserve –as a group- for the next weeks?  The organization that we had this week has been one of the best of the bunch and is something that we should continue in the next weeks. Perhaps it was the topic we were interested enough and so we made ​​the work more consistently. We have to follow this pattern of work we can improve.
  •          What do you need to improve- as a group- for the next weeks?  We must have more concentration. We have to recognize that we are friends and we are easily distracted by anything. This is what we have to avoid wasting time does not benefit us nothing for the situation in the semester.

martes, 17 de abril de 2012


After a very interesting class where we were able to look all the work that our mates had done about textbooks, we realized that some of them, or probably the majority were really really good, we saw amazing T.V. Advices, a Speech and also a Story, thanks of them we discovered that it's not as difficult as it look, we just need to work if we also want to do this.
After the class we could say that we have learnt some key ideas about teaxtbooks:
-Teachers don't believe on new things.
-Textbook are not the only source of knowledge.
-Teachers often use textbook as a "Biblia".
- Is better to expend money in technology than in books.
- There are lot of methodologies not just books.
- Editorials see education as a business.
- Even the society chande, education not.
- Teachers are the most important element in the teaching process.

 María :)

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


Hi everybody, I am Marta the facilitator of that week, yes, and I know that I am very late, but the problem is that I was traveling all this two weeks, so this is the result of our timeline, I want to explain briefly what a timeline is, for the avoidance of any doubt.Timeline. It is the basic tool of nonlinear fitting. Over the Timeline we organize our assembly, removing a site, putting in another ... all over a period of time that we determine. The timeline is now closely associated with all social networks, here isa clear example of a timeline similar to the social network Twitter.

@AnnaLópezHernández: text book has to be simply a help in the class. It is a lack of professionalism subordinate the teaching task to the book. #NoTextB

@PepeGimenoSacristán: #NoTextB. I agree with you. Also we are in the Media society and have only one knowledge source in the class is a paradoxical thing.

@ AnnaLópezHernández: #NoTextB. Completly in accordance. The Media is the future of teaching.

@JordiA: Teachers who want digital textbooks one the less innovative and committed with their students learning. #NoTextB

@P_Gimeno: we are in the era of e-book and the textbook becomes obsolete. #NoTextB.

@Antonio_MÁvila: we don’t have to prioritize the tools; we don’t acquire intelligence just with the machine. #NoTextB.

@ JordiA: teachers teach, their books are, or were, an aid, like internet nowadays (where we can find better resources than their teaching units).#NoTextB.

@José_Moyano: Also, we have to analyze the accuracy of expenditure on education administrations as a function of pedagogical criteria.#NoTextB.

@Antonio_MÁvila: Public administration spend money destinated to education in computers, wanting after, free contents. #NoTextB.

@E.Picón: we don’t have anything to verify that ICTS improve the process of teaching and learning. The thue value is provided by the contents. #NoTextB.

@JordiA: #NoTextB: world is going in one direction and you are stuck in the past, so you know what you have to do.

@ JordiA: most of editors don’t know what is a “digital books”. #NoTextB.

@ José_Moyano: It is necessary to carry out more specific research with analyze actual experiences about the evolvement of this ICTS in the class. #NoTextB.

@José_Moyano: we have to adapt the ICTs to the class and to the students, not vice versa. #NoTextB

@Wikipedia: thechological advances changed the way people interacted tith the books. #NoTextB.

@Pe_Graham: A winner is who use the new technologies to give the people what they want. Being a laser who use this to his owns benefit.#NoTextB.

@Paul_GP: I can´t study more. I hate all the books. #NoTextB.

@Ana.Lpz.Fdz: #NoTextB, making the task of the teacher, the textbook is not professional.

@José_Moyano: #NoTextB. TICs I the class are a chance set of hardware empty of contents.

@Anele: #NoTextB. ICT are nothing short of the deal, but you have to use them because if not everyone is going in pull the rug from under the feet.

@Jansarean: Saturation of textbooks in classrooms: Methodological failure. #NoTextB.

@TheNewYorkTimes: #NoTextB. ”that book costs how much?”.

@Wikipedia: #NoTextB. If the student has purchased to used textbook. Then he or she must pa 
money directly to the publisher in order to access the melodies complete assigned homework.

@Socrates: due to the generalization of textbook. We are bosing our own knowledge, memoricie everything we just have to. #NoTextB.

@ José_Moyano: Many book text´s critics cling to new technologies to announce the untimely death of this tool.#NoTextB.

@José_Moyano: In this situation, the editorial can´t be waiting for the disappearance of the digital revolution. They have to do something straightaway. #NoTextB.

@tutorial_s: Good reasons for # NotextB; prices out of control due to lack of competition. Other alternatives: ICT and used books. The future is in Open textbooks.

@Pedro_Mart: we need to continue some guide to impart the structure knowledges to the children. There are books so useful for them. #NoTextB.

@MarcosG12: This can´t be paid, it is a work only for primary school children.
lokaalicia.blogspot. #NoTextB.

@TBGOB : Knowledge want to be free.

Finally tomorrow I will sing up our last class until the holidays with the opinions and ratings about of the work from the other students.

Marta Giménez.


Hello! I´m Mª Angeles and this week i have had to be the journalist in my group.
The dynamics of this week has been a little different from those of others. We had problem to work together so we had to divide the activity and take it to our houses.
Each had an assigned text and then we had to take all possible PostCard.
Once we  had all stayed to organize and to make a conversation and the truth is that I think we did a good job.
The procedure we used this week has been effective, but we like more work together.